Similar words: one of these days, battle of the bulge, out of the blue, rule of thumb, let the cat out of the bag, state of the art, state-of-the-art, make the best of things. Meaning: n. a man who has been socially accepted into a group of other men.

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31) When one of the boys become a radical , the family was deeply jolted.
32) One of the boys has been careless enough to prang up his girl friend.
33) Tom is one of the boys, let him come inside.
34) One of the boys had said: " Here comes Reverend Grimes, " and nodded, in brief, respectful silence.
35) One of the boys made the suggestion that he go to the lake alone.
36) Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and ran quickly into the woods.
37) He wants to be accepted as one of the boys.
More similar words: one of these days, battle of the bulge, out of the blue, rule of thumb, let the cat out of the bag, state of the art, state-of-the-art, make the best of things, boysenberry, homeboy, pageboy, office boy, by the book, on the books, one-off, out of the way, out-of-the-way, hit the books, rock the boat, miss the boat, go by the board, out of the wood, sweep the board, right off the bat, half the battle, out of the woods, run-of-the-mill, out of thin air, throw the book at, across-the-board.